We share a lot of content, both ours and that of third parties, via our social channels and we do that daily. This is our weekly top 10 so you can catch-up on the latest over the weekend
Even though we only share content we personally find interesting so you won’t find many basic content farm-like articles among what we share, even if from reputable websites.
Here is the top 10 according to the number of impressions, click and retweets/shares we got:
- The Fun of Experimenting with a more Advanced Microservice Application
- Redesigning IT
- The myth about how Amazon’s Web service started just won’t die
- The perfect SSL nginx configuration
- Reboot Survival Guide
- OpenSSL Cookbook: A short free book that covers the most frequently used OpenSSL
features and commands - More Top 10 DevOps Books for Operations
- Red Hat: What An ‘Advanced’ Cloud Looks Like
- VMware sued in Hamburg, Germany court for failure to comply with the GPL on Linux
- StackExchange: How we upgrade a live data center
Check the other weeks top 10s here.