Top 10 links for the week of June 22

We share a lot of content, both ours and that of third parties, via our social channels and we do that daily. This is our weekly top 10 so you can catch-up on the latest over the weekend  Even though we only share content we personally find interesting so you won’t find many basic content farm-like articles among what we […]

We share a lot of content, both ours and that of third parties, via our social channels and we do that daily. This is our weekly top 10 so you can catch-up on the latest over the weekend :-)

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Even though we only share content we personally find interesting so you won’t find many basic content farm-like articles among what we share, even if from reputable websites.

Here is the top 10 according to the number of impressions, click and retweets/shares we got:

  1. Introducing the Fan – simpler container networking
  2. How to build your own public key infrastructure
  3. The Art of Monitoring sample chapter
  4. Everything announced at DockerCon 2015
  5. A Graphite Interview with Jason Dixon
  6. Announcing Docker 1.7: Multi-host networking, plugins and orchestration updates
  7. Talking Automation with Mitchell Hashimoto of Hashicorp
  8. Announcing Telegraf, a metrics collector for InfluxDB
  9. Deploy Ceph Monitors on Kubernetes
  10. Why Agile, Lean and Six Sigma must die …

Check the other weeks top 10s here.