Top 10 links for the week of April 20

We share a lot of content, both ours and that of third parties, via our social channels and we do that daily. This is our weekly top 10 so you can catch-up on the latest over the weekend  Even though we only share content we personally find interesting so you won’t find many basic content farm-like articles among what we […]

We share a lot of content, both ours and that of third parties, via our social channels and we do that daily. This is our weekly top 10 so you can catch-up on the latest over the weekend :-)

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Even though we only share content we personally find interesting so you won’t find many basic content farm-like articles among what we share, even if from reputable websites.

Here is the top 10 according to the number of impressions, click and retweets/shares we got:

  1. True Zero Downtime HAProxy Reloads: An Alternative Approach
  2. Docker Monitoring Continued: Prometheus and Sysdig
  3. VMware Responds to Container Movement with Lightweight Linux OS and Cloud-Native Tools
  4. Ubuntu 15.04: What’s new for cloud users?
  5. Grafana 2.0 Released
  6. All videos from Container Camp SF 2015 
  7. Mesosphere Now Includes Kubernetes for Managing Clustered Containers
  8. Devops … we’ve been here before, we will be back again.
  9. Op-ed: Why the entire premise of Tor-enabled routers is ridiculous
  10. Key management is the biggest pain of encryption

Check the other weeks top 10s here.

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