More than 2 years ago AtlasHost joined HighOps and since then we’ve expanded the offering from the original shared hosting (what we now call Option 1) to include Dedicated Virtual Machines, Dedicated Servers and customers’s own servers .
AtlasHost went from strength to strength and grew by more than an order of magnitude (!!).
While AtlasHost focuses solely on Atlassian Managed Hosting HighOps has a broader offering: from professional services to managed services, to small events and large ones like Operability.IO.
This gives us tremendous exposure to the modern IT Operations market and our customers problems and needs and it’s often reflected by new services and initiatives.
I’m pleased to announced our latest offering: Ziraph!
Ziraph is a fully-managed, hassle-free and highly available by default managed hosting dedicated to Magento 2 e-commerce shops.
Over time we’ve worked with several customers who either run their own Magento shop or develop them for their own clients (Digital Agencies) and experienced first hand what’s good, bad and ugly.
The appearance of Magento 2 on the scene, while introducing great features that allow online retailers to offer modern and powerful solutions, brought with it new challenges.
It’s hard to identify the exact moment we started developing Ziraph but it definitely turned into a full, modern cloud managed hosting platform specifically for Magento (2) shops in April 2016 and we’ve just decided to spin if off as a separate offering.
We cannot wait to talk about the retailers already using it and how Black Friday 2016 was a non-event!
If you have been working hard to grow your online sales but get routinely afflicted by server problems it’s time for a fully managed, scalable, performant and secure Magento (2) hosting like Ziraph so that you can focus on your sales again.