We share a lot of content, both ours and that of third parties, via our social channels and we do that daily. This is our weekly top 10 so you can catch-up on the latest over the weekend
Even though we only share content we personally find interesting so you won’t find many basic content farm-like articles among what we share, even if from reputable websites.
Here is the top 10 according to the number of impressions, click and retweets/shares we got:
- Announcing Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Amazon Web Services
- Google releases Bazel as Open Source: build tool used for the majority of Google’s software
- You Don’t Need a DevOps Team: You Need a Tools Team
- Is Continuous Delivery Riskier?
- Moving a database container with Docker Swarm and Flocker
- Using a Graph Database for JVM Heap Analysis
- What makes a cluster a cluster?
- Virtualization vs. Containerization
- SSL Decoder: an open source alternative for the SSL Labs server test
- New DevOps Cafe Podcast with John Willis & Damon Edwards
Check the other weeks top 10s here.